Thursday, September 07, 2006

Fear and Loathing

This is a blog about IT based things that played us up at Vivamex and we EVENTUALLY got out of somehow or other.

Our company is part data management expert consultancy and part IT recruitment agency So when it comes to computers we do have a fair idea of what's going on and why. Yet still the fiendish little beasts insist on giving us problems on a frequent basis. why? Why? WHY!?? (Oh but we hate it when they do).

Having said that, we do have a lot of experience at picking out and applying solutions, so what we are going to do here is make a few notes as we go along that may be useful to others with similar issues. Then we'll index the blog up on Google and elsewhere so you can perhaps find it if you are stuck and our own IT problems will do someone else some good.

There are plenty of other help sites out there. But they often give clues and half answers. Plus of course some sites are now insisting that you register or worse still pay before you can see the answers. Here you'll get a full blog style commentary - including some flavour of our annoyance at our own difficulties, so at least you won't feel alone in your own troubles. And of course no registration or payment. We are all in this together after all.

For the computers hate us too. 'Tis sadly true.

...But then they hate everyone.


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